Rideau Lakes
Learn more about Rideau Lake’s recycling program.
Recycling program transition
As of March 1, 2025, Rideau Lake’s recycling program will be managed by Circular Materials, a national not-for-profit organization that is committed to building an efficient and effective recycling system in Ontario.
Until then, please visit Rideau Lake’s website for recycling-related information.
Get in touch
As of March 1, please contact Emterra for any recycling collection inquiries:
- Replacement recycling bins.
- Missed collections.
- Other recycling questions.
- customercareont@emterra.ca
- 1-888-597-1541
Be recycle ready
- Recyclables are collected on alternating weeks. To determine which recycling material is being picked up for a given week, please check the recycling calendar.
- All recycling material should be sorted by containers and paper/cardboard, clean, and in a clear bag. The bag should be tied and weigh less than 40 lbs.
- Give containers a quick rinse to remove any residue before placing them for recycling.
- Flatten all boxes before placing them for recycling.
What’s accepted
- Water/pop/juice bottles
- Butter/margarine/yogurt tubs
- Plastic egg cartons
- Plastic bottles (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, ibuprofen, lotion, liquid soap, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, salad dressing, peanut butter, toilet bowl cleaner, laundry soap, disinfectant wipes, etc.)
- Brown, green, white flower pots – must be clean.
- Please ensure all recycling containers are rinsed and clean.
Metal and aluminum:
- Clean aluminum food trays (pie plates, take out, etc.)
- Clean aluminum foil (no food debris)
- Clean metal & aluminum cans (soup, pasta, soft drink, energy drink
- Canned meat
- Canned Vegetables
- Canned Pet food
Glass bottles and jars:
- Pickle jar
- Olive jar
- Cheez whiz jar
- Salsa jar
- Sauce bottles
- Jam jar
Paper, cardboard and boxboard:
- Newspapers
- Flyers
- Envelopes and printer/copier paper
- Magazines and catalogues
- Telephone books
- Paper towel and toilet paper tubes
- Cardboard egg cartons
- Corrugated cardboard (flatten)
Boxboard boxes (Remove the inner plastic bag/liner from inside cereal and cracker boxes. All cardboard/box-board must be flattened. You may bundle and tightly tie your cardboard, newspapers and magazines (no bag required), however you may only recycle bundles the size of a regular waste bag (26” x 36”) and only up to 5 bundles (equivalent to 5 bags). If your bundle is too large it will not be collected.
- Cereal
- Crackers
- Cake mixes
- Kleenex
- Pasta
- Chocolate
- Candy boxes
- Household items
School/office items
- rulers
- pens/markers/crayons
- pencil cases
- binders
- file holders
- staplers
- scissors
- glue sticks
- plastic strings
Home improvement items
- vents
- sockets
- light switch covers
- plastic lamp shades/lights
- hooks
- piping
- power tools
- hand tools (eg. saw, screwdrivers)
Outdoor/garden items
- hoses
- flower pots with dirt in them
- chairs
- garden ornaments/decorations
Hygiene items
- combs/brushes
- deodorant containers
- toothpaste tubes
- toothbrushes
- razors
- tubes for face/hand cream
- pill packs for medication
- pouches for baby wipes
- feminine product wrappers
- air fresheners
Make-up containers
- lip stick tubes
- mascara tubes
- eyeshadow containers
- blush compacts
- foundation/concealer pumps and compacts
- eyeliner pencils
- lip chap tubes/containers.
Hard rigid packaging
- from a new flashlight
- battery packaging
Plastic wrap packaging
- from cheese
- ALL plastic bags
- bread bags
- cold meats
- baking goods
- fruits & vegetables
Cellophane wrap
- basket wrap
- flower bouquet wrap
Polyethylene items
- internal food bags from cereal & cracker boxes,
- cake/brownie mixes
- bubble wrap
- film wrap
- sandwich bags
- bread bags
- pet food bags
- straws
- stir sticks
- spoons
- forks
- knives
- measuring cups
- baking spoons
- drinking cups
Small appliances
- coffee maker
- tea kettle
- blender
- hand/stand mixers
- bread machines
- panini/sandwich press
Styrofoam items
- cups
- plates
- trays
- take out containers
- packing blocks
- peanut packaging
Other packaging
- most coffee pods
- paper bags with a plastic liner
- chip bags
- granola bar wrappers
- chocolate bar wrappers
- candy packaging
- paper towel
- Kleenex & toilet paper outer packaging
- most grocery bags
- lettuce bags
- Black containers
- Dirty containers