Learn more about Cobalt’s recycling program.
Recycling program transition
As of April 1, 2025, Cobalt’s recycling program will be managed by Circular Materials, a national not-for-profit organization that is committed to building an efficient and effective recycling system in Ontario.
Until then, please visit Cobalt’s website for recycling-related information.
Get in touch
As of April 1, please contact GFL for any recycling collection inquiries:
- Replacement recycling bins.
- Missed collections.
- Other recycling questions.
- 1- 888-220-4352
Be recycle ready
- The Town of Cobalt operates a “single-stream” recycling system. This means you can put all your recyclable materials into one bin, making it easier to recycle.
- Place your recycling bin at the curb between 8:00 p.m. the evening before and 6:30 a.m. on your collection day, as pick-up times may vary occasionally without notice. Check the calendar to confirm your day of collection.
- Recyclables placed in non-approved containers will not be collected. Please do not use cardboard boxes or grocery bags as containers.
- Keep recyclables loose – please do not bag your mixed recyclables in plastic bags (i.e. garbage or grocery bags). Place items loosely in your recycle bin, with the exception of shredded paper which requires packaging in a clear plastic bag.
- Rinse containers to remove any food and residue.
Accepted materials
Learn more about what materials are accepted in your recycling.
Beverage and food containers – Rinse clean and recycle
- Clamshell containers (hinged, clear plastic containers used for food items such as berries and take-out)
- Clear fruit and vegetable containers
- Clear take-out food containers
- Clear molded bakery item trays, egg cartons
- Disposable plastic plates and glasses
- Cold beverage cups/lids
- Plastic bottles and jugs (lids on)
- Milk cartons
- Juice Box (e.g. juice, drinks, soup, broth, etc.)
- Glass bottles and jars
- All Plastics No. 1-7 (e.g. margarine, yogurt, ice cream, sour cream, yogurt, pudding, apple sauce containers, etc.)
- Metal cans
- Cardboard cans (e.g. frozen juice, refrigerated dough, chips, nuts, powdered drink mix)
- Aluminum cans, trays, burner liners, pie plates, roasting pans, etc.
- Blister packaging (e.g. gum and lozenges)
Home and personal product containers – Rinse clean and recycle
- Plastic bottles and tubs – lids and sprayers screwed on tight (e.g. shampoo, detergent, fabric softener, etc.)
- Prescription bottles (empty)
- Plastic kitty litter tubs with plastic handle
- Aerosol cans (empty)
Clear compact disk cases (empty)
Plastic gift cards
Foam polystyrene (Styrofoam) and plastic retail shopping bags – Rinse clean and recycle
- Styrofoam food containers and protective packaging (e.g. drinking cups, egg cartons, meat trays, takeout food containers, electronics packaging)
- Plastic bags – grocery, shopping, dry cleaning, bread bags, vegetable/fruit bags, milk bags (outer and rinsed inner bag) – Place all plastic bags in one retail or grocery plastic bag and tie handles together
- Plastic outer wrap from packages, such as from paper towels, cases of water, etc.
- Bubbled plastic packaging
Cardboard/ Paper – Not contaminated with food or chemicals
- Bags, rolls, junk mail, writing/computer paper, envelopes, window envelopes, envelopes with padding
- Shredded paper (put in clear plastic bag and tie closed)
- Gift wrap, cards (no ribbons, bows, foil wrap)
- Newspapers, flyers, telephone directories, magazines, catalogues, books (hardcover removed), etc.
- Boxboard boxes (e.g. cereal, tissue, detergent, egg cartons – flatten and remove liners)
- Corrugated cardboard (clean and flattened – pizza boxes must be empty)
- Organic material – food scraps, diapers, animal waste
- Used/soiled paper or plastic plates and utensils
- Hazardous waste: propane/helium tanks & cylinders, batteries, compact fluorescent light bulbs (Must not be put in recycling or garbage; take to annual Orange Drop Event.)
- Medical waste: needles are hazardous waste (Must not be put in garbage; take to annual Orange Drop event).
- Auto parts, tools, extension cords
- Clothes, shoes, carpets, curtains, bedding
- Electronics (take to the Electronic Waste Recycling Bin)
- Small Appliances (e.g. coffee makers, microwaves, etc.)
- Plastic: squeeze tubes for home and personal products (hair, body, etc.), caulking tubes, food storage containers, motor oil jugs
- Large plastics (e.g. pool covers, tarps, pools, toys, etc.)
- Binders (e.g. three-ring), clipboards
- Hoses
- Glass – drinking glasses, dishes, cups, crystal, window glass, light bulbs, mirrors, pottery, etc.
- Metal – scrap metal, coat hangers, pots, pans, etc.
- Wood – pieces, flooring, crates for fruit, etc.
- Yard Waste – grass clippings, tree limbs, leaves, etc.