Circular Materials Team #actsONlitter 

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On Tuesday, May 14, Circular Materials team members from coast to coast supported our ongoing efforts to advance the circular economy by participating in the day of #actionONlitter.

Each year, the Day of Action on Litter calls attention to the damaging effects of litter on our environment and encourages people to take action by reducing waste in their communities.

“We’re excited to participate in this important initiative that aligns with our values and helps create a clean, healthy environment for generations to come.” says Allen Langdon, Chief Executive Officer, Circular Materials. “As Ontario transitions to an extended producer responsibility framework for packaging and paper, we are committed to supporting local communities and enhancing the recycling system and ensuring more materials are looped into the circular economy.”

Thank you to everyone who participated in this initiative and who shares our vision for a sustainable future for people and the planet.

Learn more about the Day of Action on Litter here.